Photo Source Link Emma's Rating: 4/5 Ashvini's Rating: 3/5 Emma: This book was a bit slow. It was one of those books that you read not because your very interested, it's one those books you read because you want to see hat happens. I'm not exactly going to be rushing into reading the third book. I've already read the second book and I have to say it's pretty much the same as this book when it comes to pace. I did like the whole Norse mythology concept though. It was cool but a little bit confusing. It's not like I was a Norse mythology expert when I went into this book, so for me as a beginner I kind of wish things were explained a bit more. I honestly don't remember much about this book at all. I'm feeling guilty so I'm going to add one more sentence. I really liked the pictures. Oh, another thing Ashvini's making me do this post. (Ashvini: It was on your list.) Ashvini: This book was an okay read. It wasn’t bad or marv...