This is what happens whenever we give each other books (Ashvini gave Emma The Truthwitch by Susan Dennard). We end up writing sweet little notes in them! It's kind of a tradition...Unfortunately, I (Emma) have a terrible-printing-that-always-seems-to-get worse-with-pen (Ashvini: not true!) kind of handwriting. While Ashvini's looks like a perfect little angel… Therefore we can conclude that it is Emma’s book given to her by the wonderful Ashvini.
Anyways as we had discussed in this post, here's is our new and improved RATING SYSTEM! And the crowd goes wild...yeah!
4.5/5 - This book takes you on a journey. I felt a strong connection to certain elements of this read and how it ties in with (the “real”) our world.
4/5 - Has so much potential! The story flows and the smallest details fit like pieces into place.
3.5/5 - I really enjoyed it but there were a few bumps along the way.
3/5 - It wasn't exactly what I was expecting, there was so much that I would've liked to delve deeper into.
2.5/5 - I did not like numerous aspects of this book.
2/5 - There are a couple things you should keep in mind if you’re going into this...
1.5/5 - Had such a hard time finishing...So many aspects that I was not a fan of.
1/5 - I (personally) don’t recommend.
Luckily thanks to Goodreads, Booktube, and Friends we normally don't go that far down the rating system...but it's not unheard of…
Remember to always read the reasoning behind a rating because the same book that we give a 2.5/5 you could have given a 4.5/5! We wouldn't want you to miss out.
Just so you know, this picture (seen above) was part of a photo shoot that I (Emma) attempted but obviously the first one turned out so much better…
More Emshini (Apparently we've got a ship name? - Emma :o :D) humour, opinion, and discussion coming to a computer near you soon!
Yours Truly,
Emma and Ashvini
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