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Small Bones - Vicki Grant.

Emma's Review: 4.5/5
Ashvini's Review: 5/5

 When Vicki Grant came to our school I was thrilled to be asked to introduce her (with Ashvini) and intrigued to read her latest book "Small Bones". I had already read the book ID and really enjoyed it.
 The book is about an orphan named Dot. In the book the orphanage burns down. The seven oldest girls are not able to be put into orphanage homes. They have to go out on their own. Each of the seven are given one item from their past. They each use that one item to try and find their parents. 
Dot I find is the opposite of me she is small, prone to daydreams, good at sewing (lets not even talk about my sewing abilities) and umm let me see she lives in another era!
 I had a really fun time reading this book. There were a few big twists at the end which I found made the book more interesting. I really recommended this book to you if you are 12+ I think that you will really enjoy it and the other books from the seven series.

I over-wrote, again. Small Bones is one in seven books apart of the SECRETS series. Each book is about a girl leaving the orphanage she calls home after a fire accident and going out into the world to discover more about her identity. The cool part is that all the girls came from the same orphanage, so you’ll see a lot of cute references between the books. Here comes the coolest part, Vicki Grant, the author who wrote Small Bones visited our school, so both Emma and I were able to get our copies personally signed! Now, I don’t want to make this post too long so I’m going to get into the review…
 Small Bones is a really cute sixties summer mystery. It touches upon many sweet messages such as finding yourself. The mystery does take some time to wind-up but that didn’t really take away anything because I was continuously entertained even if it wasn’t with suspense. Now, one thing I’d like to mention is that Small Bones is one those books that throws everything at you within the last 20 pages. This strategy doesn’t always work in books… (*cough, cough…The Scorch Trials*), but it was heart wrenchingly well done in Small Bones. Like, I can’t come up with praise for it, because it was so awesome.

Can you guess what our next review will be on? HINTS: It's brand new! It's by a best selling author whose first name rhymes with "Nick." - (We ran out of clue ideas!)

More reviews coming to a computer near you soon!

Yours Truly,
Emma and Ashvini


  1. I want to read this nowwwww!

  2. Hi this is Selena Gomez, I read this book

  3. Can I please have your phone #??????
    I'my your biggest fan!!!!!

  4. sure its 9000 123 876 43222 1100 can't wait to here from uuuu!!! :)


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