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Showing posts from November, 2015

Bookish Holiday Gift Guide 2015.

As we all know, the holiday season is rapidly approaching. With the holiday season, comes many gift buying opportunities. With gift buying opportunities, comes the pressure to live up to gifting expectations. We can all relate to that... Especially when the person you're gifting is a booklion. That's why we've comprised a gift guide of five hot bookish presents. BTW, to any relatives reading: this is also our Holiday Wish List. Photo Source Link Photo Source Link 1. Graphic Novels A great breather from novels. National Book Award Finalist, Nimona's a really good one! Photo Source Link 2. Giant Picture Books Great companions and all the rage right now! Other great ones include the Philosopher's Stone , Greek Gods , and Greek Heroes . Photo Source Link 3. Fandom Merch This is a cute bookish t-shirt design I found on Red Bubble . There are really cute bookish designs almost everywhere, so be sure to explore a few c

Interview With Jennifer A. Nielsen!

Photo Source Link Over the course of the past few months, TwoGirlsThatRead has been working on a really special surprise.  When we started this blog nine months ago, we'd hoped that one day we'd be able to do cool stuff like this. However, we'd never in our wildest dreams (T Swizzle reference) thought we'd be able to do something like this so soon and with someone so kind and talented. This has been an amazing opportunity that we'd seriously like to thank Ms. Nielsen for. About a month ago, Jennifer A. Nielsen released her new book " A Night Divided."  It's a historical fiction based around the Berlin Wall. Us, being the fangirls we are, were curious. about how Jennifer A. Nielsen wrote her books, and why she wrote her books, and just her writing books in general. So, after pulling a few strings we got the opportunity of doing an interview with her and POOF! Here we are now! For those of you that don't know, Ms. Nielsen is a New