Emma's Rating: 4/5
Ashvini's Rating: 5/5
I thought that The Hidden Agenda of Sigrid Sugden was a very good book. First of all it was from the perspective of a bully who from the very start never wanted to be one. It was quite an interesting read. Now the first thing that I want to talk about (or more realistically write or type about)
is the cover. Most people say that the cover looks boring, and yes I did think that too, but have you ever heard the phrase "never judge a book by it's cover?" Normally it means that "it is not what is on the outside that counts but it's what is on the inside". So basically to sum things up, don't ever judge a person, and the same thing goes for books... or anything for example (and this is coming from the environmentalist inside me) we are taking plants for granted! Maybe they can't talk or walk but they are still living things! Animals too if you searched up endangered species right now their would be a long list of them. And (relating back to the topic) people judge animals as well as humans think of
Sharks, Tigers and especially lions they all tend to have a bad rep for being carnivores. What about the hairless cats or mosquitoes barely any one wants them but they were put on this planet for a reason not their looks. Anyways now that were back on track I can't stress enough how much I loved this book and I definitely don't regret it! All that I am saying is that It is such a good book despite the cover and I totally recommend it. So...um...take it away Ashvini :) And remember never ever in a million years should you judge a book by its cover;)
The Hidden Agenda of Sigrid
Sugden was definitely an unexpectedly inspiring novel. I remember seeing it on
the list of Silver Birch Nominees and thinking, “Well that’s one novel I’m
definitely not going to read!” Likewise, I was wrong. After some convincing
from a local librarian, I gave in and went into the book thinking “How good can this
book really be?” I learned a very
important lesson that day… Never judge
a book by its cover.
This is obviously a realistic
fiction book. Emphasize on the realistic.
Nothing in this book felt out of place, like everything fit together so well. The way that the environment
of Sigrid’s small town was created just seemed so perfect. Most people knew
each other, but not in a way that everyone was like best friends and waved to
each other and always smiled. This book was realistic in the sense that it
didn’t bother to hide the unfortunate, harsh realities of life. It was done in
such a way that it didn’t make you cringe and stray away from the book, it made
you stop and think. It showed that everyone in Sigrid’s community was fighting
their own battle inside: Seal, Travis, Prinny, Hud, Doyle, even Tate and Mel,
and of course Sigrid herself. Even though they weren’t best friends they came
together as a team and took a stand against what was left of the shrikes. This
book showed that it takes a community to make a difference.
The writing style of this book at
some points reminded me a lot of We Were Liars by E. Lockhart. The way that
Sigrid ended the paragraph or idea made you have to read in between the lines.
The way that it was written, wasn’t non-descriptive, it was written very intelligently with many idioms
and metaphors and so I enjoyed revisiting that narration style.
Overall, I don’t know what to say
about this book! I’m just bewildered at how wicked and awesome this book. I
just don’t have words… I would recommend it to anyone and everyone.______________________
Can you guess what our next review will be on?
HINTS: The book is Majestic and includes fairy tales. The publisher is
Little Brown Books for Young Readers, It's a New York Times Bestseller!
More reviews coming to a computer near you soon!
Yours Truly,
Emma and Ashvini
Hmmm... I'm going to guess that your next review is going to be on... Whatever After?
ReplyDeleteNo I am pretty sure it's going to be Ever After High. Actually very sure. It is so magical plus it's based on fairy tales:)
ReplyDeleteYou both may or may not be right. I guess we will just have to wait until April the 18th now won't we? Ok now I just feel evil...muh ha ha ha. Fine I can't stand your torturing stare I will give you one more hint...It The author...was...an...actor! Happy now?
DeleteHappy reading,
Emma and Ashvini
Sigrid sounds like Sacred ya know
ReplyDeleteYour prediction is very valid. It could just be that Sigrid became a Shrike because she was scared. I guess you'll just have to read the book to find out! :)
DeleteHappy Reading,
Emma and Ashvini
I did read this book and that why i think it is sacred thank you very much
ReplyDeleteWell... Did you like the book? How would you rate it? Any thoughts? :)