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Miss. Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children - Ransom Riggs.

We completely lied to you last review because today we're actually going to be reviewing Ms. Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children which has nothing to do with the clues we gave you on our Loki's Wolves review. For that reason we're not going to be leaving clues on this particular post...

 Emma's Rating: 4.5/5
Ashvini's Rating: 5/5

I really enjoyed reading this book.
It was so fun to read with those pictures. I honestly think that there is no other word to describe them other then peculiar. I enjoyed looking at them as I read the story. But it wasn't just the pictures that made this story unique.
As I read about Jacobs adventures and learned more about the children that his grandfather had lived with. There is not very much that I can say without spoiling it because it is so fast paced and almost immediately I was hooked. Anyways if you have not read it and are planning to, (which I highly suggest you to do) then goodbye:)
Only dangerous if you have not already read it.
I found that the book was the perfect combination of fantasy and horror. In my opinion I don't like book that are super scary but their were definitely some parts that sent a shiver down my spine. I loved learning all about the loops and the history that Ransom Riggs has put into these peculiar pictures.
 Also I found the whole relation ship between Jacob and Emma kind of awkward. I hope that that isn't just me but to me it seems a bit weird that Emma is 88 and Jacob is 16 (even though Emma has not aged). I also find it kind of sad for Emma that she has not aged because I cannot imagine what life would be like if never aged (note my name is Emma too:)
I have so many questions like how come only the children were kept in the loop and no one else were their like boundary's?
Ohh and one more thing I really like the name Emma :) I wonder why? I also wonder where Ransom Riggs got the names because not only is Emma a main character ... and my name is Emma, but Jacob is my brothers name ... Jacob is a main character too. :o which makes Emma and Jacob's relationship even more awkward. Before you can ask, no my sister does not have her own character.
That concludes my review also if you had to skip over that spoiler part take my word for it and read the book. The second and third book are all ready on my over flowing list. Sorry for taking so long Ashvini :/

That's okay Emma :) Ms. Peregrine’s Home For Peculiar Children followed a simple concept with many details framed beautifully around it to create a thrilling, suspenseful premise. What I really admired was that even though the concept was simple it wasn’t predictable, at all!  This book also had a collection of vintage photographs as an added bonus that gave the whole story an edgy creep factor. I have to say that the added eeriness really drew you further into the story forcing you to warp through the book to finish it. (This is a good thing by the way!)
The sign of a really good book to me is when you physically can’t put it down and you end up speeding through it, so much that you become a part of the storyline, and days, weeks, months, maybe even years later after you’ve put it down you still remember the adventure so vividly. This book just seems to have done that to me!
By the way, I read somewhere that Ransom Riggs went to film school to become a director, and I have to say that definitely seems to have contributed something because the book had so many scenic qualities and picturesque moments that were pretty and easy to visualize. This added a really nice touristy (I couldn't find the perfect adjective) feel to the setting.
I mean I could go on forever! I just love this book so much! I totally recommend checking this book out if you're into historical, paranormal, or even just adventure!


More reviews coming to a computer near you soon!

Yours truly,
Emma and Ashvini


  1. She looks like a lonely little girl :( ...


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