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The Raven Boys - Maggie Stiefvater.

We are so sorry for the delay in the review. We know we haven't done a review in a long time but it is FINALLY here...

Emma's Rating:4/5
Ashvini's Rating: 4/5

I had a great time reading this book. Recently I have been in a bit of a book slump because I have kept wanting to buy most 97.5% of the books that I read and want to read (don't judge, they are all just so good). Lets start with the cover. It is so appealing is it not? *sigh* Love at first sight. (Ashvini- Really?) Anyways, the plot line was also pretty compelling. The story is about a girl named Blue and a boy named Gansey. Blue comes from a family that are psychics, but she is not. Instead she acts like a battery for her family whenever they are around her. Gansey, on the other hand, is a rich kid who goes to Aglionby Academy (an all boys private school).  I really enjoyed all of the characters and their personalities especially as the book went on. There were so many twists and turns that you never would have seen coming from a mile away.
Now, Ashvini had asked me to get her the book from the library because she had too many checked out under her name. Of course I got her it and she kept me updated on what she thought throughout the book. So I obviously had to read it...And I think that we both got it finished in about a week more or less. The book will be confusing at first and I know it might sound like a lot but just get through the first 100 or so pages and you will not want to stop and when you get to around page 200 you will be hooked! At the time I was in my reading slump and it took me longer than usual to get through books. I totally recommend it for any one who likes a little bit of adventure, mystery and books that surprize you the whole way through.

The Raven Boys surprised me. Let me walk you through how it unfolded.
So I went into the Raven Boys expecting a romance. I hadn’t done any kind of Goodreads reading or Booktube watching, I had just kind of picked it up at my local library (YOU had? -Emma). Okay fine, I got Emma to check it out for me because I was exceeding the limit. 50 pages in, I was feeling kind of uneasy about the book. There were some very strange things happening, the characters seemed kind of weird, and I was lost in the sense that I had no clue where the book was going. Flash forward to 350 pages in, incredibly strange things were happening but somehow it all fit, all of a sudden these “weird” characters seemed to be growing on me and the plot seemed to make sense in its own twisted way.
The Raven Boys surprised me. In a totally awesome way. This book was really easy to read and the whole imagery was so vividly written. Although the plot had a slow start and felt kind of choppy at times, this book was just so memorable to me. I’ve never really read anything like it. It’s not horror, but at the same time it still kind of is. It’s not sci-fi but at the same time, it still is.  The best part was the characters. You can tell that Maggie Stiefvater has planned out her characters so well. They just felt so realistic and so well rounded.
I’m really excited to read The Dream Thieves and I’m confident that this is going to be one of those series that just gets better with each publication. 


Can you guess what our next review will be on? HINTS: It's a 2016 Red Maple Nominee! Susin Nielsen has a blurb on the back of it. It's set in BC.

More reviews coming to a computer near you soon(er this time)! 

Yours Truly,
Emma and Ashvini


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