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The Night Gardener - Jonathan Auxier.

Emma's Rating: 3.5/5
Ashvini's Rating: 4/5

I really enjoyed reading The Night Gardener. At the beginning of most books I normally find them a bit slow. I guess that most authors have trouble making their readers interested at the very start of their books. I always make sure that I always finish a book even if I am not finding it interesting since books tend to get better towards the middle but this book was not like that. It was engaging the whole time. I found that the author was using adjectives to encourage the reader to read on.
It has the perfect balance of magic and suspense I found it very interesting
I absolutely loved how when I was not even half way through the book I already had so many questions. I thought that the author was doing so well keeping me interested at all times. Thinking back there was not a time when I did not have a question but in the end they were all answered and believe I love to have something to think about and wonder after I've put the book down.
I absolutely positively loved this book it kind of reminds me of Eldritch Manor and The BFG Both for different reasons. They have the same kind of eerie feeling to it but the difference between the three is that one is full of fairy's and mermaid's, one has this creepy old tree obsessed hag and the last one has a big friendly giant who's hobby is collecting dreams (both good and bad). If you have read these books you would under stand why they are related to the Night Gardener.
And now I finally see why it was always checked out of the library.

The Night Gardener was really unique in the sense that a lot of the time when people hear the term “horror/creepy stories” they think of ghosts, zombies, vampires, etc. I too, used to think along those lines when I thought of scary stories. This book really opened my eyes to the broadness of the “terror” genre because of how this book didn't have any of those and had almost a historical setting.
I have to say the characters really grew on me over time. My first impression of Molly and Kip’s personalities was:  fake. When Molly was explaining to Kip what had happened on the boat for the first time at the beginning, the way that she stood so strong in a desperate situation was so unrealistic. As you progressed in the book, you realized that Molly and Kip weren't completely invincible as they sounded at the beginning.  They each did have their own flaws and “wishes.”  You also got to see the real bravery and fighter in them towards the end of the book. The bravery in the end when they knew that the only chance they had of surviving lied in outsmarting the evil force was just pure platinum.
As sugar and sprinkles as I've described this book so far, I will say that there was just one thing missing from The Night Gardener. I can’t really pinpoint what it’s called, but I definitely will say it was missing at times in this book. It’s that heart wrenching element that could make you sob non-stop at parts. It’s that shiver that runs down your spine due to suspense. I know the way I’m describing this probably sounds ridiculous but I really would've liked to see a stronger sensation of that in this book.
Overall, The Night Gardener was still a really good read and I would recommend this to anyone who loves a puzzling tale with a touch of eeriness!

Can you guess what our next review will be on? HINTS: It's another fractured fairytale. It's a colorful middle grade novel that broke out in Fall 2013!

More reviews coming to a computer near you soon!

Yours Truly,
Emma and Ashvini 


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