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Summertime Madness Book Tag.

We honestly can't wait for warm weather, iced cappuccinos, sweet sunshine..... Summer... So, to make the waiting pass by quicker, we decided to do the Summertime Madness Tag! Do you viewers notice a pattern yet (both of our tags have been summer-y)? Don't worry though we plan on doing other themes soon. We are doing it because we cannot wait for Summer and are hoping that by doing this Tag we will make it come sooner (that's not very likely though).

Ashvini's perspective of Summer:

Emma's perspective of Summer:

1. Show (or in our case pick) a book with a summer-y cover.

Ashvini: Obviously, since we are not on camera and cannot show a book literally we are just going to have to pick a book. So for that I pick Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Matson, because
 Morgan Matson = summer.
Emma: Against the Tide which the 5th book of the Spirit Animals series. Do not get any ideas, please, I am begging you, read the books in order. Now I am so sad because the authors have put an end to the series (B.T.W. it is a co-authoring thing: write one book and pass the series on...). Another thing I have to say is that I have discovered that I have not really read any summertime themed books (let alone ones with summertime covers) so I really should look in to doing that soon.

2. Pick a fictional place for your summer vacation.

Ashvini: I know exactly what Emma's going to say for this one and it's the same place I really want to say too, and usually we try to our answers different, but I'm just going to say it: Camp Half-Blood. Squee! I'm crossing my fingers that Athena will claim me. If not then Apollo, and if Apollo doesn't claim me I'll probably become a hunter of Artemis. (Learning how to use a bow and arrow is on my summer to-do list.)
Emma: Camp Half-Blood O...M...G... I so want to go so bad! I sometimes dream about going there. I would get to fight monsters and have mystical powers like the gods. I might even be able to go on a quest, and meet the gods and save the world (by now believe me I am gasping). I don't even have to have a godly parent (though it would be preferred) I could camp out in the Hermes cabin! I could be a nymph or just a random human visitor (of course I would have to be like Rachel or Percy's mom and see through the mist) I have been planning this for so long you have no idea...
Any ways thanks Ashvini for reading my mind and always being my friend-who-always-knows-what-I-am-thinking.

3. You're about to go on a flight to your summer vacation, but you want to pick a book that'll last you the whole flight. What novella do you choose?
Ashvini: Confession: I don't read novellas. I know, I'm probably missing out on a lot. So for this question I'm going to pick a normal novel (like Emma did). I'm going to choose Anne of Green Gables because for random reasons it makes me think of travelling.
Emma: I am hoping to make this shorter but I have an obsession in saying a lot (people normally ignore me when I do that) so here goes nothing. OK let me think a little normally I would grab a new book that I have never read before but seeing as that is not an option hmm. So I am guessing that this is a long flight because truthfully you can get a flight that only lasts 2 minutes and 30 seconds (I am not lying it costs so much but saves only a few hours of driving) say wha?. The book I choose is...Drum Role...The House of Secrets by Ned Vizzini and Chris Columbus. It 's really good and is a big page turner where every thing makes sense and is just so awesome. Just so you know before this post I had no idea what a novella was so you are not alone.

4. You have a case of summertime sadness, what happy book do you pick to shine a smile on your face?

Ashvini: Su-su-summertime, summertime sadness... (I have Lana Del Rey stuck in my head) Usually, when I have a case of "summertime sadness" I just watch the show Supah Ninjas but that's not a book, so I'm going to go with Creepover: Read It and Weep. Paranormal/horror instantly puts me in a good mood. (It's weird, I know.)
Emma: I personally think that I am happier when I do not read scary or sad books and unlike Ashvini I would read a happy book (F.Y.I. Ashvini was singing not stuttering). Anyways, if I had the summertime sadness I think that I shall pick something that never fails to put a smile on my face it is Neil Flambe because it is just a simply fun book to read in general. And believe it or not Ashvini actually introduced the book to me. When I was in grade 3 and I thought it was ridiculous (before I even read it) but I still love it now even though it is intended for kids. :) 

5. Your sitting on a beach all alone, which fictional character would be your beach buddy?

Ashvini: I want to say Percy Jackson but there have been a lot of PJ references in this and the last tag. Hmmm... How about Rollan from the Spirit Animals series?
Emma: hmmmm...well...I that wouldn't work...I am having so much trouble. Book characters who would be fun to hang around? There is more than one option but I choose Jaron from the Ascendance Trilogy (the first book of the series is The False Prince which we did a review on). I have a feeling that we would get into a lot of trouble not necessarily hanging out at the beach but he is some one that I have always wanted to meet and am using this to my advantage.(:

6. After your Ice Cream you want an icy cool sidekick, which fictional sidekick would you pick?

Ashvini: Oh... This is hard... I've got it! I pick Saladin from The 39 Clues Series! Emma's going to have a hard time now... Mwhahahaha...
Emma: Aha, so we can pick animals. Then it is a no brainer for me...actually on second thought I don't want an animal, I want someone that I can talk to. So I will pick...Wait I am going to break the rules here and pick a group of people. The main characters from the Swindle series: Griffin Bing, Melissa Dukakis, Ben Slovak, Antonia Benson, Logan Kellerman, Savannah Drysdale maybe even Darren Darren. The six of them are the perfect match and just the people I would call when it comes to revenge.

So how'd we do? You can watch the original tag created by JackEatsBooks here. More reviews (or book tags) coming to a computer near you soon. What do you think of the tag? What would you choose? Any book review/tag suggestions? Comment down below....

Yours Truly,
Emma and Ashvini


  1. I just love your blog, I love reading, and would really like to know what your perspective on the series Percy Jackson and the Olympians is...that means reviewing it. If of course you have read it. I just want to say that I love it and hope you do to!(:

  2. I love your idea of responding to summer using books and characters. I really want to read The Bread Winner....have either of you read it?

    1. Thanks for your comment! We haven't read The Bread Winner...yet. Though we have read Underground to Canada by Barbara Smucker. The themes of these two books are similar. Let us know, would you like to see a review on either of these books? We'd be happy to do so!

      Happy Reading,
      Emma and Ashvini


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