As we've started countless times before, this blog originated as a discussion space where we could speak our mind. To maximise our motives, we're going to be commencing a discussion series entitled "She Says, She Says." The topics can range from books to current affairs, but will always explore ideas through two perspectives. :) Ashvini: As a self-proclaimed “book reviewer” living a whole life in the book interwebs within a mountain of words; I felt the pressure to form my own “rating” for a novel. From the start of TwoGirlsThatRead, the entire process of numbering my thoughts felt foreign and unnatural, and similar to my purple sweater, I simply assumed I would grow into it. Even today, my opinion of ratings still hasn’t found a home. Stepping into the world of Goodreads and such, ratings were a safe house. A guide of what I should expect, that saved me a 50/50 chance letdown. However, the farther along the path I travelled, the more of a wil...