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Ever After High: Storybook of Legends - Shannon Hale.

 Emma's Rating:  4/5
Ashvini's Rating: 4/5

Emma's Review:
 Every thing in this book was great. I had heard about it and wanted to read it so badly so when a friend told me that she had the book, read it and suggested it. I knew that I really had to ask to read it. So yes I did eventually read it and yes it was borrowed:( I found every thing about this book fascinating From the beautiful art work to the wonderlandiful concept. The artwork starts on the cover but decorates the inside as well.
Another cool thing is that this book is actually fairy tail based:) I love books that do that. We actually did a review on one (The Land Of Stories) Although unlike the Land of Stories it is about a bunch of teenagers who are all decedents of the famous fairy tale characters that we all know and love. Now in this story the decedents go to a school called ..........drumroll you guessed it <Ever After High
 (do you see my little greater than sign? those are my presenting hands)
Anyways the characters have to sign a book called the story book of legends. This book is like signing a contract saying that you will follow in your parents foot steps. Then what happens when the daughter of the Evil Queen; Raven Queen does not want to sign the book...It is rumored that every one will go "poof" and disappear.
As you can see this is an hexiting book ... get it ... ha ha ha:)
Filled with amazing characters. The character names are so cool like Madeline Hatter daughter of the Mad Hatter, Cerise Hood daughter of riding hood?, Ashlynn Ella daughter of Cinderella, Daring, Dexter and Darling Charming sons and daughter of Prince Charming,
 Hopper Croakington II son of the Frog Prince and so on.
If I had to pick a favorite character I would have to choose Maddie (Madeline) she is just so wacky and fun. I think that it would actually be pretty cool if she was one of my friends. Every one seems to like her and she is one of the only students at ever after high who everyone seems to like. Another cool thing about Maddie is that she is the only one who can hear the narrators. The story is told in third person so sometimes a chapter will start then Maddie interrupts and the narrator has to start all over again. (If you don't know what I mean you will once have read it.
I find it very cool that always at the end of each book the last few sentences are about friendship:) how sweet but not too cheesy.
And for all of those Ever After High lovers out there yes the series ends at three books but their is another series
It is by a different author (Suzanne Selfors book: The Next Top Villain.)

Ashvini's Review:
If I'm going to be completely honest.... I don't remember much at all about this book but Emma really wanted to review this book this week so here I go...
I was initially drawn to this book because of the webshows I was always hearing about and the doll lines that I was also seeing at Walmart. This book also seemed to be getting a fair amount of hype in the middle-grade world two summers ago when I read it. I have to say I went into this book with almost no expectations because of the fact that it was tied up with a toy line (it's bad...I know) but I ended up finishing it and really liking it.
Now, if you read my Creature Department review then you'd know that I compared it to Ever After High a lot. This is because I feel like those two books fit in the same sort of genre. They're both very light-hearted fantasies with such a dreamy feel. I'm really struggling to describe it but they're the perfect genre of books to read after a really intense dystopian novel.
I also want to say that the Ever After High books are one of my favourite fractured fairytale series because the whole set of characters are very diverse. They have everything from Cinderella to Alice in Wonderland. So there's a character in there for everyone.
My only thing though is that not all the pieces of the puzzle fit perfectly. I mean if Apple White is Snow White's daughter and Raven Queen is The Evil Queen's daughter, would Raven be Apple's aunt? That's not really a big problem though...
I would say if you're even the slightest bit interested in this book, give it a try. It's a pretty easily likeable book.

Can you get what our next review will be on? HINTS: It's a YA Sci-Fi Novel that received a LOT of hype! It's getting a movie next year! I believe it's a trilogy... It's an epic book.:)

More reviews coming to a computer near you soon!

Yours Truly,
Emma and Ashvini


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