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The 5th Wave - Rick Yancey.

TwoGirlsThatRead Is Glad To Present:
A spoiler section! With a bold warning before so it's not like we didn't warn you! We no longer bottle up our feelings and reactions with spoilers in them with our new and improved system ... 

Ashvini's Rating: 5/5
Emma's Rating: 4.5/5

OMG! The 5th Wave was so wicked, I don’t know why I didn’t read it sooner! 
Rick Yancey is honestly the writer. The way he took apart what we knew as our world and reconstructed it to become The 5th Wave was so efficiently done. I want to add that Rick Yancey really thought out and planned his characters and the way they think, the way they fight. It was so realistic the way when all those issues arrived how each character realized so many things about life and the world. I mean I can picture those realizations as being actual realizations from the characters if The 5th Wave really occurred. Cassie's narration I have to say is really complex to do because it started in the present and slowly revealed snippets of her past piece by piece. But Rick Yancey just mastered that art and style  of writing.

I really admire the way that Rick Yancey made each of his main characters warriors but still have their own personality. Each of them are strong, determined, and hard to fight, but each of them are that in their own way. It's really hard to review this without giving it away because there are so many surprises you come across along the way and I don’t want to give it away for those of you who haven’t read the book so…
Beware Spoilers! 
I think it’s safe to say that I’m on Team Evan. Not that there’s anything wrong with Ben. It’s just that Ben and Ringer are perfect in my opinion. Evan’s also very unconditional towards Cassie; I mean he’s willing to die for Cassie. That’s pretty awesome!
I’m very excited to read The Infinite Sea and watch the movie coming out next year.  After buying Emma a copy of The 5th Wave and borrowing the copy from Emma, I think I’m finally going to buy myself a copy and collect the series. 
I totally recommend trying this book out even if you aren't really drawn to sci-fi. I, myself never really read /liked science fiction that much but I ended up really loving this book!

Okay, so originally I was going to give this book a 3.5 but then I rethought I mean it was actually really good. 
See the book is separated into sections with different perspectives. So naturally, first was Cassie's (one of the main characters) and it was very different. It was clear that she had a big personality from the beginning and you just grow to like her. It was sort-of confusing though at the beginning how Cassie kept bringing out her past out of the blue causing  me to lose track of the story a bit. 
This story was way different from what I normally read. I normally don't read books that have aliens trying to takeover the world piece by piece mainly because I cannot find a book like that. The book was a birthday present to me from the one and only Ashvini. The moment I picked it up I knew that I would like it. And I did but not in the way that I expected. It was in a way that can only really be described unless you read it so go do that...No seriously right now! Now those of you who are sitting at home, laughing out loud, thinking that I am some crazy person because you have  already read the book. Can probably tell where I am headed with this:
Spoiler time! 
Ah safe at last... Wait if any of you readers have not read The 5th Wave exit this page immediately and do not turn back till you have read it.
I do have to agree with Ashvini. 
We have talked about this many times and I too am on Team Evan. If you seriously think about this you will realize that Evan has only known Cassie for a few weeks and he already is willing to die for her. While Cassie has known Ben forward longer than she has known Evan and he does not even remember her! This people, is called insanity. 
I also wanted to talk about this upcoming movie. 
This is Emma confirming that yes there will be a movie. But just how good that movie will be is unknown. Let's talk about the characters. The main character is played by the same person who played Mia in If I Stay. She does not bear a resemblance to my take on Cassie neither does Sam or Ringer or Dumbo and Evan. (The actor for Evan does not look 18, instead he looks much older.) The only one who looks their part is Ben...maybe.
But I still have hopes for the movie and that it won't turn in to a complete disaster so till 
then ... fingers crossed. 

Can you guess what our next review will be on? HINTS: It's a sci-fi, dystopian trilogy. It's had over 3 million copies of the book sold worldwide. It's WICKED awesome... :)

More reviews coming to a computer near you soon!

Yours Truly,
Emma and Ashvini


  1. Great review,I really like how you explained the book to us!
    - Trelice


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